雅思作文范文 雅思作文范文模板优选8篇

雅思作文范文 雅思作文范文模板优选8篇


Nowadays, the expanding influence of news media on the society has been a heated social issue in debate. Some believe this trend is negative because the media controls minds of the public. Personally, I partially agree with this view, and my reasons will be explored as below.

The most worrying aspect of new media is that it overwhelms people’s daily lives. Actually, our lives of today are news-oriented, because of the 24-hour nonstop news cycles on TV, radio and Internet. Under such news bombardment, the information overload takes place, which means people’s attentions and minds have to be glued to focusing on and interpreting endless news, comments, gossips and rumors, necessary and unnecessary, no matter where they are, in workplaces, schools, buses or homes. As a result, news media is a huge distraction, which makes people exhausted and reduces their concentration and energy on their tasks or families.

Another big concern of news media is about its roles in manipulating people’s thoughts. Psychologically speaking, watching news media is a strong process of washing brain, in which the personal judgments of individual viewers might be removed and replaced with the media-established ideas. For example, for the purpose of politics, many influential newspapers, TV programs and online websites disclose the foibles of privacy, and even deliberately fabricate false rumors, scandals to diminish some political candidates in an election. Obviously, the cheatings and lies on news media are detrimental to the social equity and democracy, because they keep voters from thinking freely and independently.

However, the positive impact news media bring to our lives can never be ignored. In fact, the exposure to these news and reports can give the audience valuable messages and suggestions in day-to-day life. For example, the information about forecasts of weather and traffic situations in rush hours on regional newspapers or radio channels can instruct local residents to make proper schedules, plans and routers for travelling outside. In addition, reports about pressing social problems like epidemics, natural disasters, violence and crimes in streets also help to arouse the public’s awareness of the importance of improving education and health care systems, as well as the necessity of saving environment.

In conclusion, the demerits caused by news media override its benefits for the public. Although it can provide useful and practical information to the audience, it influences people in more negative ways, including an unbalanced life due to addiction in news, as well as the misunderstanding about social issues.







Environmental protection is no doubt a major issue confronting the modern society with the development of new technologies and the explosion of world population. While the issue is certainly relevant to each individual citizen and all the companies, some people contend that only the government should be concerned about protecting the environment. I concede that the government should lead the efforts in addressing the environmental problems. Nevertheless, cooperation and participation from the corporations and individual citizens are essential as well.

There is no doubt that the government is the agency that should play the leading roles in solving the environmental problems. To begin with, with the power to collect taxes from individual citizens and private companies, the government have the financial resources that are necessary to deal with environmental issues. In addition, the government may formulate policies to provide incentives for the companies and individuals to reduce the amount of pollution caused by their activities. Finally, the government is the only institution that may enact laws related to environmental problems.

On the other hand, without the cooperation and participation of individual citizens and private companies, the government’s efforts to protect the environment would not be effective. For example, the government may launch a campaign to educate the public about the desirability of driving compact cars for reducing the air pollution. The campaign would make little difference if the individuals pay little attention to the information or do not care about the environment at all. Nor would the government’s goal be achieved if the car manufacturers do not produce more compact cars for the market. In other words, the government alone cannot solve the problem of environment. It takes the collaborative efforts from individual and corporate citizens to improve the situation.

In conclusion, I agree that the government should take the responsibility to lead the society in addressing the problems of environmental pollution as it has the power and resources necessary to do so. Nonetheless, individual citizens and private companies have to be engaged if the government is to accomplish anything.











Nowadays there is more and more TV advertisement,and there is a lot of misinformation in some of these advertisements.Some people think that consumers have the right to know the correct information and that government should restrict the contents of these advertisements.What is your opinion?

No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements and advertising exerts a tremendous influence on us.Recently,there are people who are of the opinion that public has the right to know the correct information of the advertisements and government also should restrict the contents of these advertisements.Personally I agree with this opinion for the following reasons.

In the first instance,consumers have the right to know the correct information before deciding on whether to buy them.Advertisements are highly information that helps people to make choice before they go to buy what they need.If the advertisement exaggerates the products it also will persuade people into buying things,which they don’t really want.

Secondly,any misleading advertisements will lead to the marketing tricks,causing chaos in the market.Too many misleading advertisements are barrio to distinguishing between decent products or products of bad quality.His bread in truth is made with soy flour,while he advertises it as white bread.These misleading information causes illegal competition.

Last but not least,government should stipulate laws in consumers’interests.According to the laws,advertisements must be truthful.If the advertisements mislead consumers,government can impose great fine on them to set a lesson.

In general,the role of advertisements is inevitable and undeniable.A good advertisement can be a bridge between business and consumers and helps keep business moving.So we need correct information and government also needs to restrict the contents of advertisements.Let misinformation of advertisements be far away from us.



















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